
I asked Luke at dinner the other night what his Tinder caption would be (that’s what it’s called, right?). This is what we came up with…

Lucas Via

Male looking for straight female.

Willa Via

Anywhere worth going is worth getting there quickly. This isn’t a metaphor. I just tend to run-walk.

Okay, okay, but jokes aside… Luke and I are two California kids who spent the last few years living in Brooklyn and working in NYC. Luke was, and still is, the Director of Customer Success at a bad-ass data software company that’s allowing him to work remotely. I found my occupational calling (or at least my *first* occupational calling) a few years back as an elementary teacher at a high performing charter school in Cobble Hill. I’ve taught for the last four years and have loved nearly every minute of it but have decided to take a break while on the road. For a full list of why we decided to move into our self-converted van, check the blog. In short? Adventure, baby.